Photo captured by Amanda Barker, Vivitography

April 6, 2011

Update: Post-Op Day 1

Today has been a pretty good day for Bradley. They've gotten him up about 4 times today, each time a little easier. He's been taken off a lot of the medicines he was on post-op, but continues to need quite a bit of pain medicine. He's having some severe pain in his left side, most likely from the chest tubes that help drain the fluids from around his heart. Hopefully they will be removed tomorrow when he is transferred out of CV-ICU and into his regular room. I hate seeing him in so much pain, but he's been a good patient and been able to bear it most of the time. There are some times when he is really miserable, though. Fortunately, he hasn't had much chest pain from the incision or throat or back pain.

Linda (Bradley's mother) and I will be excited when we are moved upstairs. We'll be in a much more comfortable room with a bathroom and shower inside the room (instead of a public bathroom/shower!). I will update sometime tomorrow about how he's doing.

And the Lord is really working on my heart. The emotions I have experienced in the last 2 days has been almost more than I can handle. I hope to blog on it soon, if I'm able to focus enough to get my thoughts together. :)

We appreciate all of the prayers that have been coming our way. We still need them as this recovery time goes forward. Love you all.

In Him,

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